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The Traditional Catholic Daily Missal for the Latin Mass totally in order!

No back and forth flipping, no excessive clicking, no complex calculating what Day it is - just click the date and pray the Holy Mass. Super easy. Original Latin followed by the English translation! Follow and learn the extraordinary liturgy in one handy e-book.

*Optimized Table of Contents*

+ 1960 Calendar

+ Latin followed by English

+ Link to the Daily Mass in the Table of Contents

+ 2021 Annual Edition

"A habit of prayer, the practice of turning to God and the unseen world in every season, in every place, in every emergency - prayer, I say, has what may be called a natural effect in spiritualizing and elevating the soul. A man is no longer what he was before; gradually - he has imbibed a new set of ideas, and become imbued with fresh principles" - Cardinal Henry Newman (Anglican Catholic convert from the Church of England & leader in the Oxford Movement)

Look for the 2022 Daily Missal December 2021!


author/Society of St. John of the Cross

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