Listening for God: Discovering the Incredible Ways God Speaks to Us

Listening for God: Discovering the Incredible Ways God Speaks to Us


author/Teresa Tomeo

We all long to know the will of God in our lives, to obtain answers to our prayers, and to receive tangible evidence of the personal care of our heavenly Father. We deeply desire to hear His voice. 

And here's the good news: God is not silent. He is constantly reaching out to each of us. Often His voice is quiet and can be heard only in prayer. He frequently breaks into our lives with timely remedies, miraculous encounters, and surprising circumstances that can be explained only by the reality of a loving and caring God.

Popular Catholic author and radio host Teresa Tomeo has gathered an inspiring collection of such "Godcidences" from her life, as well as personal stories from a variety of "Catholics" "including broadcasters Joan Lewis, Al Kresta, Steve Ray, and authors Greg and Julie Alexander" "of the unmistakable ways God has spoken to them."

Binding: Paperback  240pp
Pub Date: November 15, 2020
SBN: 1644133024    EAN: 9781644133026