

author/David L Fleming

In What Is Ignatian Spirituality? St. Ignatius and the key elements of his teachings are brought to life by David Fleming, SJ. This highly accessible summary of the key elements of the spirituality of St. Ignatius includes a look at contemplative prayer, discernment, and what it means to be actively involved in service and mission. In 20 concise chapters, Fleming thoughtfully explains Ignatian spirituality and how this centuries-old method of disciplined reflection on God's work in the world can deepen our own spiritual lives and guide the everyday decisions we make.

Review Quote:

"What Is Ignatian Spirituality? covers slightly different territory; it is also one of the shortest introductions to Ignatian spirituality I have ever read. The editor of Review for Religious and an experienced spiritual director, Fleming offers bite-size chapters on love, pilgrimage, prayer, work, discernment and sin, each highlighting an aspect of the spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. Fleming expertly weaves into his book, as through a tapestry, stories from the life of Ignatius and examples from his classic text, the Spiritual Exercises. Like Barry, much of Fleming's writing not only explains but reveals: 'Imaginative prayer makes Jesus of the Gospels our Jesus.' This is one of those statements, common to both books, that makes you think at once, 'I've never thought of that!' and 'That's exactly right!' Fleming's is the perfect book to give to someone who asks his title question. How lucky we are to have these two experienced guides offering to lead us along the way of Ignatius, and how lucky we are that they have followed the lead of the homiletics professor who gave his class excellent advice for giving a good homily: 'Be clear, be brief and be gone!'"--James Martin, S.J.

Table of Contents: 
A Vision of Life, Work, and Love 1
God Is Love Loving 7
A Spirituality of the Heart 13
A Reflective Spirituality 19
Sin Is a Lack of Gratitude 25
The Spiritual Life Is a Pilgrimage 31
God Calls, We Respond 37
God Communicates in Many Ways 43
Prayer Is a Conversation 49
Pray with Your Imagination 55
Knowing the Jesus Who Is Poor 61
Sharing in the Mission of Christ 67
A Way to Clarify Your Values 71
The Greatest Mark of God's Love 77
Seeking the Grace of Compassion 83
A Way to Discern God's Will 89
Working with Others 95
Being Helpful 101
Jesus Is All Heart 105 
Further Reading 111
About the Author 113
David L. Fleming, SJ, is internationally known for his conferences, retreats, and writings on Ignatian spirituality, spiritual direction, and the spiritual life. He is the editor of the journal Review for Religious. His books include Draw Me into Your FriendshipLike the Lightning, and Prisms for a Christ-Life.

Binding: Paperback  128pp.
Pub Date: September 01, 2008
ISBN: 082942718X    EAN: 9780829427189