author/Colleen Mitchell
In Who Does He Say You Are?, Catholic missionary and speaker Colleen Mitchell tells the stories of thirteen women from the Gospels and how they answer the crucial question of identity in the book's title. With Mary as the ultimate example of intimate, transforming union, Mitchell weaves together moving anecdotes of her own search for identity as a Catholic woman along with accounts of women in Scripture that reveal the healing, grace and purpose God has in store for all of us.
Colleen Connell Mitchell is a bringer-upper-of-boys and wanna-be saint who packs a little Louisiana spice with her wherever she goes. She currently serves at-risk families in her job as a social worker in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and spends copious hours on football and soccer fields yelling more loudly than all the other moms. She finds joy in the Word, the world, and the wild wonder of everyday life.